Webinar - CEO Growth & Profit Series

Getting to Goal: Knowing your Value Creation Strategy
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Join Brad Schow, the VP of Business Transformation Evangelist Growth at ConnectWise as he reviews the importance of having a value creation strategy.

Simply put, a value creation strategy is the vision a company's owner or shareholders have for creating value into the company in return for their investments of time and resources. High Operational maturity owners understand that knowing how much stock value you want to create and by when you want to create it is a foundational best practice. 

In this webinar, Brad will discuss how to create or revisit and recharge your value creation strategy.


We'll Cover:

  • What a Value Creation Strategy is and why it's important
  • How to calculate a basic Value Creation Strategy
  • Modifying your Value Creation Strategy based on common changes in conditions
  • Understanding if your Value Creation Strategy goals are reasonable
  • Q&A


Make sure to also check out on the next webinar in our CEO Growth & Profit series on our webinars page as it will review putting your value creation strategy into action.


Getting to Goal Knowing your Value Creation Strategy_ Nov22-1


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